verse of the day

Friday 31 January 2014

To God be the glory. [ Jeremiah 9 v 23-24 ]

I spoke at a hospice recently,the patients are in private rooms,the little service we took,was at the end of the ward ,I never actually saw any of the patients.Our church group sang a few hymns ,I prayed,read the word of God,and then give a short  word,I don't even know if the patients heard the word.I suppose  one could ask if no one appeared to  hear the word  ,was there any point in preaching. One could say that about so many times one has preached ,no one apparently seemed to listen. I believe I am called to be faithful,even though I want to see people trust Christ,and it does not happen. Secondly only eternity will reveal the worth of our witness,I am sure that on that day when I stand before God, there will be people saved who heard my ministry.Let us all remember that salvation is of the Lord,to Him be the glory,we are but the means,or the channels He uses,Paul spoke of earthen vessels,the more I go on the more aware I am,that I am but an earthern vessel.When the greatest evangelist stands before God they will not be able to take credit, they will only praise God that He sought to use them,it will always be to God be the glory ,great things He hath done.
A  prayer....../ Dear God help us to glorify You in all things in Jesus name Amen /

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