verse of the day

Monday 20 January 2014

Vital ommissions. [Matthew 23 v23 ]

When our Saviour ministered ,Israel was a deeply religious nation,ruled by Rome,but also their religious leaders,we don't read to much the rule of Rome,but it was feared and deeply resented.Our Saviour never became involved in any conflict with the Roman authorities,the religious  leaders sought to ensnare Him,making him an enemy of Rome,and of the Jewish people,but where unsuccessful[ CP Matthew22 v15ff].Religion can be a mask in which the true self,can hide behind,in Matthew  23, our Lord deals with this,He points out that what the religious taught ,was but a front,the reality was this,they oppressed the people,they craved and wanted to be glorified,to be called master,to be thought as Fathers ,over the people,They exploited their position for material gain,taking advantage,of the vulnerable,in many things they were motivated by money,and pride.Our Saviour sums up their great failures [v23] ,they ignored the most important parts of the law, justice,mercy,and faith.It is to the church of Corinth that the apostle Paul wrote to,reminding them that religious activity if it lacks love it is of absolutely of no worth.
A  prayer..../Dear God forgive us if we have omitted the gold for the dross in Jesus name Amen/

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