verse of the day

Thursday 16 January 2014

God does speak [ 1 Samuel 3 ]

Does God speak to us?,and of course we would say yes,He speaks to all humanity through creation, cp Psalm 19,so much so, that they are without excuse,cp Romans1 v20.The guro scientists in their blindness ,have accumulated a world of followers whom it could be said that they have blinded with science. Yes God does speak,not only through creation, but through His word,the Bible,this word is the only true revelation from God,that can bring us to know God.The central message of this book,is mans sinfulness,and Gods remedy,the sacrifice of His son Jesus,for mankinds sin. It appears stange that for a great deal of the time ,those who represented the church kept the word of God hidden from millions of people. In recent history many political powers have suppressed, and banned the word of God, why?,a good question. I am privileaged with many others to have the Bible,but of course having the Bible,is not enough,we must embrace its message,of salvation through Christ alone,and having done that,to get to know Him through that book.As a Christian God does speak to me,when I am afraid,He tells me to fear not,when I am dismayed,He reminds me, that He is my God,and ,He will strengthen me,He will help me, He will uphold me[Isaiah 41 v10]. Yes God does speak,if we are prepared to listen.
A  prayer......./Dear God have mercy upon us,make Thyself  known to us through Christ,and us the grace to listen when You speak in Jesus name  Amen /

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