verse of the day

Saturday 4 January 2014

Gone [Jeremiah 31 v 31-34 ]

I am amazed as I watch TV quiz programes of the knowledge  that many people have,and how they remember the things they do.I am a person who reads,but many of the things I read,I will not remember.  The other day I spoke to a lady who seemingly worked with me,or in the team I worked in,and I could not remember her. I was speaking to my younger brother ,on the phone,he mentioned the principal of the school we attended,who remembered me,I remember him and liked him,even though he caned me and another for smoking.I remember part of my very early childhood ,a little about my father,and school as  an infant,about fallen asleep in class and being very abruptly awakened by the awful teacher.There are many things I remember ,a lot of things I don't remember and there are things I don't want to remember.One of the great blessings of the salvation that we come into when we trust Jesus as Saviour is forgiveness of sins,and with that forgiveness comes the wonderful promise from God, who declares,/I will forgive their iniquity,and I will remember their sin no more[Jeremiah 31 v34] As far as Gods concerns when are sins are gone they are gone,He will not cast them up at us, he will not judge us by our forgiven past.Buried in the deepest yes that's good enough for me,I shall live eternally,praise God my sins are gone.
A  Prayer....../Dear God we praise Your name for forgiving our sins,and choosing to never remember them anymore in Jesus name Amen /

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