verse of the day

Sunday 12 January 2014

Consumerism .[ Luke 12 v 15]

I have been thinking about consumerism, the preoccupation of society with acquiring goods[ dictionary meaning], how should we view it, if we are Christians?.We are all part of it ,to some extent,should we feel guilty?,should we buy when we don't need to buy?.I like shopping ,I am always looking for that reasonable priced article that takes my fancy,my wife tells me often that I do not need another  shirt,I answer back,I am not buying it because I need it, but because I like it and want it. Is it wrong to want something,even though one does not need it.?I suppose the test for me as a Christian is would I be willing to give up,my life style,with all my earthly goods,do the goods have me,or do I have the goods?. Jesus said to Peter,do you love me more than these ? [John 21v15], it is a very important question,it goes back to the commandments,/ Thou shalt have no other gods before me/[ Exodus 20v3].Jesus said that love for him must even come before our  family,[Matthew 10 v37],and that the greatest commandment,was to love  the Lord thy God,with all our hearts,and with all our souls,and with all our mind,and to love our neighbour[others] as ourselves.[Matthew 22v 37-38]  Enjoy what God has blessed you with ,don't live with guilt[ 1 Timothy 6 v 17], but don't hold unto them ,to the damage of your relationship with God.
A  prayer....../ Dear God help us as consumers, not to lose sight of You in Jesus name Amen /

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