verse of the day

Tuesday 14 January 2014

The value of a person. [ Genesis 1 v 27]

I read this recently,what is Nigella Lawson worth?,think about this question,what is she worth?,now of course what they are really asking is, how rich is she?.If we were to ask her children what she is worth?,what would their answer be,to them she is priceless,and it has nothing to do with how rich she is.The same could be said of her parents,their daughter is everything to them,and that has nothing to do with her riches. To often, sad to say people are evaluated,according their possessions,or their standing in society. I remember saying to a local lord mayors wife, that I had never met a lord mayor, and she replied ,oh we are just normal human beings,well of course I knew this,I was just saying that I had never met a lord mayor before, It is unfortunate that our values can become so distorted,our worth ,meaning how rich we are,how powerful we are,or how gifted we are.Our Saviour never took into account a persons riches,or position,he was basically concerned about the person. The sad thing about history is,Napoleon,Hitler,Stalin,and the like,.never really cared for people,likewise the bankers,and the rich. The story in Luke16 v19ff is a very telling story,as to the attitude of the rich in this world,they look at people,without really caring.
A  prayer...../Dear God  help us to see people as You see them,to not be blinded by false set of values, in Jesus name Amen/

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