verse of the day

Thursday 9 January 2014

Is it possible? [Genesis 16v 13]

Consider  the words spoken by Hagar in Genesis16v13, /Thou God seest me/, I wonder  do you doubt this?,as one consider the vastness of the universe,how is it possible God see's you and me. Even as one considers the population of earth, billions of people ,and getting bigger every day,can we with  say,Thou God seest me.Then consider all God has to do, keeping things going,the universe is vast,the population of this world is great,yes that is true.Let us consider not the vastness of the universe,the population of this world and consider the Greatness of God.He is greater than His creation,they do not dwarf Him,or are to much for Him to cope with,no He is God. He is not a man,with all man's limitation,our thoughts as regards God are so often narrow so limited.In that great chapter in Isaiah 40,we have the greatness of God declared,we see the ,smallness of humanity,and the smallness of the nations. There is no one equal to God,and yet this chapter ends with,words of encouragement, God seeks to, help his people to  get their eye's of  the universe,and the nations. The fact of the matter is our vision is to earthbound,God is great,but He is very personal, it was Augustine who said,/God loves each of us, as if there were only one of us,yes in spite of the vastness of the universe,God  see's us, and loves us.
A  prayer..../ Dear God we thank You that You not only see us,but You also love us through Jesus Amen

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