verse of the day

Monday 10 June 2013

We struggle. [Romans 4 v 18-22]

I am sure we have all received a promise from God,and as we look at our circumstances, and situations,and the apparent delay,faith wavers,doubt creeps in,as to the fulfilment of that promise. It is not unusual to feel that it will never happen,even Abraham, and Sarah ,struggled to accept what was promised, [CP  Genesis 17v17/ 18v12].We think it just cannot happen,I have made a mistake,look at my situation,no way can things change,no way can my needs be met,yet you believe God has spoken. Consider what was said to Sarah,/Is anything to hard for the Lord Genesis18 v14/,remember God will keep His word,His apparent slowness to fulfil it,is part of of the process,of developing trust,not to discourage,not to disappoint.Tozer writes of a minister A,B.Simpson,who was approaching middle age,broken in health,deeply despondent and ready to quit the ministry,when he chanced to hear the following words /Nothing is to hard for Jesus. No man can work like Him/These words struck a cord in his heart, so he got alone with God ,and from that time he experienced healing,and filled with a fullness of joy,he went on to found one the largest foreign missionary societies in the world.
A  prayer..../Dear God,have mercy upon us,for often we struggle to rise above our fears,and faith is non existent,renew within us a right spirit,in Jesus name Amen /

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