verse of the day

Thursday 13 June 2013

I need mercy. [Psalm 106 ]

 Psalm 106 commences with the Lords goodness and His mercy in relation to Israel,most of the Psalm is taken up with the nations very poor record,of their spiritual dullness,unbelief,rebellion,idolatry. Israel was a chosen people but the Bible tells it how it was,likewise their leaders,be it David or Solomon,the Bible is more than a history book,it is about relationship,with God and His people,His people manifested a continual tendency to to fail,God showed an continual manifestation of His mercy and love,and in their darkest hour He declares, I have loved thee with an everlasting love[Jeremiah 31v3].The history of the church is to some degree like Israels history,the hymn writer puts it well,/by schisms rent asunder,by heresies distressed.Often judgement must start with the church of God.Consider the 7 churches of Asia in the book of revelation,it is true what someone said ,what kind of people go to church,the answer ,sinners. As part of that church I am conscious that any church,I attend is full of imperfect people,and that includes myself.So what do we need ,the answer is mercy, yes mercy,there will never be a day in which I will never need mercy. I continually come boldly,yes boldly,for I am accepted in Christ,no one can lay anything to charge of Gods elect ,it is God that justifies [Romans 8 v33].But I still need His mercy,for I am not yet glorified,so as I come to God through Jesus,I need to obtain mercy from God who is merciful.
A  prayer...../Dear God have mercy upon us,forgive us our foolish ways,through Thy son Jesus. Amen /

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