verse of the day

Friday 21 June 2013

Tears. [ Romans 12 v15 ]

Let us consider tears,I watched a man cry yesterday,some think it is not manly to cry, but I read how Jesus wept [John 11v35] Tears are part of our humanity,as I grow older I am more inclined to shed tears,is that because my heart is more softer?.  I sometimes shed tears when I pray ,maybe not enough, it is amazing how hard some people can be,who have very little concern for the pain of others.People do dreadful things, at this time in our country,many celebrities are being charged with sexual offences,against children and others.They never appear to have any concern for what they have done,I heard a murderer of children trying to minimise his crimes, that of torturing and murdering children.,no tears,no tears . Behind so many closed doors,and hidden places ,many people are shedding tears,because of what others have and are doing to them,tears of pain,.For the child of God they have the consolation of knowing that one day all tears will be wiped away by the hand of  their Saviour.As you come into contact with people, remember behind the smile,the laughter there could be tears of pain,may God by His Spirit make us sensitive, to the hidden pain others are carrying.
A prayer..../Dear God soften our hearts to the pain others are suffering, and help us not to be ashamed to shed a tear,in the name of Him who was a man of sorrows ,we ask this Amen/

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