verse of the day

Wednesday 19 June 2013

God is in control. [ Esther 6 v 1-14]

One of the books in the Bible I find fascinating is the book of Esther,it is a book that emphasises the providence of God,look for Gods providence even in the severest trials.To those involved in the events of this book it was a severe trial,the Jewish nation was going to be wiped out. Haman felt very grieved at a Jew called Mordecai,and because of that one thing,he was prepared to have a whole people wiped out,the very people in which the Messiah would come,Satan I believe was behind this,but God is sovereign not Satan,and in His providence He would turn every intentional evil act around,and bring about a wonderful deliverance.My study Bible declares,/Because God is in control of history,He is never frustrated by any turn of events or human action.He is able to save us from the evil of this world, and deliver us from sin and death/.Are you under threat of some sort?,God is more than able to turn events around,fear not the roaring of the enemy,of those who appear to be in control,and look to your God,who is in control,doubt not His power to deliver,you are the apple of  His eye ,His eye is upon you for good,not a hair of your head will perish.Remember behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face,read the book of Esther and see God providentially working, now look at your situation,no look beyond your situation to the God of Esther,and trust Him.
A prayer...../Almighty God we look to You to undertake for us Your children,to thwart the enemy of our souls,to work all things for our good,to deliver us,and make a way out of our situation, in Jesus Name Amen /

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