verse of the day

Sunday 30 June 2013

Let in the Light. [ John 8 v12 ]

As I am first up in the morning I pull the curtains over,in order to let the light in,we are not meant to live in darkness,we need the sunshine if we don't,we would suffer,the sunlight provides vitiam D. God made us children of light,many people from this country go to live in sunny Spain,our summers sometimes don't provide much sun,some but not a lot. Although God made us to be children of light,when it comes to choosing the light ,and what we mean by this mankind has bent towards the darkness,consider how could anybody choose a Hitler,or a Stalin, yet they did,how on earth did people in Cambodia,Rwanda ,seek to commit genocide?there are so many examples,and the greatest of this ,was manifested when the Creator of this world became and dwelt among us,only to be rejected.We live in a world that so often chooses darkness rather than light ,but God the God of love ,who in creation said let their be light,has given us a chance,to move from darkness to light ,when He sent His son Jesus into this world. Jesus said,I am the light of the world,he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.[John 8 v12 ]
A prayer..../Dear God we praise You that we  need not walk in darkness,the darkness of habits that are destroying us,the darkness of life styles that are unfulling,the darkness that will only lead us into a greater darkness,we thank you there is hope through Jesus Your son Amen /

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