verse of the day

Monday 3 June 2013

Ichabod. [1 Samuel 4 v21]

We read about King Asa in 2 Chronicles 14-16.for most of his reign he did well,he sought to turn the people back to God,yes the so called people of God.As I listened to the radio recently, I was saddened by what I heard ,a denomination that was at one time,was a bulwark for the truth,now are accepting ministers with wrong practises, sinful practise's. It appears for so many Christian groups that all they have is their history, they have become  museums of the past.I like visiting museums but I don't want to live in one, Enoch walked with God,it was ongoing,  so many churches can rejoice in is their history.What applies to churches can apply to us as individuals,we once walked with God,we were faithful ,to the things of God,we loved to meet with Gods people,read the word of God,but now we are involved in things we would never have been involved in ,years ago. We think of ourselves as Christians,as many churches do but all it is , is a name,for so many Churches ,and individuals,the word Ichabod could be applied to them, Ichabod means,the glory  has departed.
A  prayer.../Dear God in wrath remember mercy,and in Thy mercy revive Your people, for Jesus sake Amen /

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