verse of the day

Sunday 26 May 2013

We are one. [ Ephesians 2 13-22 ]

 Recently while on holiday my wife and I attended a certain fellowship,it met in a large building I choose to sit  on the outside seating,my wife said why not sit in the middle, I jokingly said I am not part of this fellowship,then I said ,but I am part of this church. It is so vital for us to appreciate this,the church of Christ is made up of so many different groups,to numerous to mention,for many it is confusing,but it is not confusing for Christ,He chose 12 disciples,there where twelve tribes of Israel.I read these words recently,everyone is equal,but not the same,I wonder do you feel that church down the road is less equal to your church?,not so,they are just different.When I pray I do not just pray for my own fellowship,no I pray for many fellowships,for although they,are different,they are part of the church of Christ. We all need each other,and we all should accept each other,Christ died for the church,which includes all who are truly born again.The church at Corinth lost sight of what it truly meant to be a  Christian,one was saying I am a follower of Paul, I am a follower of Apollos,and still another group were  claiming to be followers of Peter.Paul had to remind them that they must focus on Christ, after all He was the one who had died for all true Christians.In a very real sense the label is not important,but what is important is,knowing Christ,
A prayer....../Lord , may our union form a part,of that thrice happy whole. Derive its pulse from Thee the heart,its life from Thee the soul. Amen/[John Montgomery]

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