verse of the day

Thursday 16 May 2013

Neglect. [2 Kings 22 v 8 ]

The history of Israel is not a pretty picture,the wilderness journey was filled with murmuring,the times of the Judges,was a time of continual backsliding,when everyman did that was right in their own eyes,the times of the deteriorated ,to such a point where God had to deal with the nation in the most severe manner,yes there were the good kings,David and some others.Josiah was an outstanding man of God,who sought to bring the people back to God,in 2 Kings 22/ 23,we read of the awful list of things that the nation was involved in,the temple had fallen into disrepair,the word of God had been neglected. No wonder the nation behaved in such a Godless manner,and so it will always be,when the word of God is neglected,when dust gathers on our Bibles,we can expect to backslide.A friend of mine attended a funeral service recently ,he came away concerned,for the minister never read the word of God,oh yes he said the Lords prayer,but read a few silly poems. We must on a personal level fight to have a time to read and get to know Gods word,and if we are not being fed in the church we attend then leave it and attend somewhere else,somewhere where we will be fed,spiritually. Let us learn from Israels history,a nation that neglected,and rejected Gods word,and the awful consequences it brought upon them.
A  prayer...../ Dear God help our ministers to faithfully preach Your word,help us all to faithfully read it ,help us to take heed of what happened to Israel,can happen to us ,we ask this in Jesus name Amen /

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