verse of the day

Thursday 30 May 2013

I am weak,how about you?. [ Philippians 4 v 13 ]

There is a saying ,that confessing is good for the soul,so let me make a confession, I am weak,I continually have to go to God,for help.I struggle so often,with temptation,with concerns,over the future,our dear Saviour knew that we would worry,that is why He left us,words of encouragement,assuring us of His presence,of His provision,of His protection.It is not a sin to confess that one is weak,it even seems that He permits things in our lives to cause us to realise our weakness CP 2 Corinthians 12.So if we are feeling weak join the club,but  remember our weakness must not be used as an excuse to give up,or even despair,no it is an opportunity to be strong in the Lord. Let us not focus on our weakness,if we do then we will fail,rather focus on God who takes and uses the weak things.As we face this day consider how God can help us to overcome,and not to be overcome,and when we come to end of the day,consider how He has helped us and thank Him.
A  prayer..../Dear Lord we confess our great weakness,help us,and strengthen us,enable us to be overcomers. Amen /

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