verse of the day

Friday 10 May 2013

Are you blest? [ .1 John 3 v17]

Then they said one to another. We do not well, this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace,so said four men who were lepers[ 2 Kings 7 v9].It was time of severe difficulties for the people of Israel,the king and his people  where in the city under siege,people were starving,to the point that children were eating their children.The lepers were outside the city ,these four men made a discovery, the enemy had fled in fear ,the Lord caused them to hear a sound which caused  them to think they were being attacked,by superior forces. They left everything behind, fleeing for their lives,so when the lepers came into the camp,they had food,and riches. In the midst of this  they felt the needs of others.They were blessed,so they wanted to share the blessing with others, they even felt guilty,whatever they felt, they had the right attitude.Let none of us think that God approves self -centredness,of not thinking of others in need,the story of the rich man in Luke 16, makes it very clear the consequences of living a self absorbed life,when we have it in our power to help others in need. God takes this very serious as many will find out in a coming day,remember faith without works is dead,as indeed works without faith is likewise dead.
A  prayer..../ Dear God ,help us to bless others as you have blessed us,not as just a duty,but as an act of love,we ask this in Jesus name Amen /

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