verse of the day

Monday 27 May 2013

Solomons folly.[ 1 Kings 11 ]

If only,how often have we said this,and thought it,one of the greatest disasters that Israel experienced was when Solomon,became king. At least I think so,I could be wrong,but it appears to me that this wise king,acted the fool,he was invited by God to ask what he wanted,and of course he asked for wisdom and knowledge,these he received.He was commended by God for what he asked for,and God promised him also riches,wealth,and honour.None of those things I don't think effected him.But there is always a but,he like his father married many wives, Solomon unfortunately married foreign wives,these women had tremendous influence over Solomon,Chronicles does not mention the influence they had on him,but the book of kings does.[1 Kings 11]. He was influenced by these wives to worship other gods,he may have had a genuine reason in marrying these wives,political alliance,but God forbid the accumulating chariots,and horses,huge harems, and incredible wealth.[Deuteronomy 17 v14-20].The result was Solomon turned to the gods of his wives,the  bible mentioned that the turning to these gods happened when Solomon was old.There is a saying which goes/ there is no fool like an old fool  /,and unfortunately this old guy Solomon proved this to be true.The lessons we can learn from these thing are many,don't let prosperity go to your head,obey Gods word,and don't when you get old, act like an old fool.
A  prayer....../ Dear God there is so much we can admire about Solomon, but there is so much that saddens us,God we acknowledge that,we are prone to wonder prone to leave the God we love,Father keep us by your grace, in Jesus name Amen /

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