verse of the day

Saturday, 13 August 2011

The pursuing God. [Isaiah 53 v 6 ]

Someone I know said, he felt God was pursuing him, there is a poem with that theme, but is it true? I suppose it is true, when one thinks about it. I think it can apply to those who know the truth, yet for one reason or another,they run away from it, yet all the time God is pursuing them, until He catches up with them. Why does He bother? love, He loves that person, inspite of their resistance, it goes back to our first parents[ Genesis 3 v 10], and ever since we have followed in their footsteps, with God in hot pursuit. Why is God pursuing?, because someone is praying for that person, a godly mother and father, and in response to their prayers God pursues, the runaways.Will He catch them?, of course, you cannot beat God at a race, He always gets his man,you can bet on it. [Dear God we all know runaways, sons, daughters,old friends, who once walked with You, and indeed those who have not known You, in mercy pursue them till You catch them, in Jesus name, Amen ]

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