verse of the day

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Grace is greater . [ Romans 5v 20 ].

I did not buy my usual paper , all I wanted to read was the sport page,but I ended up looking through this very popular paper. Now I am no prude, but I must confess , it was dreadful, and yet it is one of the most popular papers sold in our country. Does this reflect the state of our nation?, I can only suppose it may,there is a phrase called the gold standard , well God has a standard, /Righteousness exalteth the nation ,but sin is a reproach to any people [Proverbs 14 v34 ] Now it is not selfrighteousness that these words are declaring, but a rigtheousness that reflects Gods glory ,a righteousness that has tasted Calvary mercy,love and grace.Law cannot change the human heart, and the human condition, only Christ can do this, The word of God tells us that where sin abounded, grace did much more abound[ Romans 5 v20 ] ,so there is hope even for this sinful nation, and even for you,and me. Amazing grace how sweet the sound,that saves a wretch like me.I, once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see. [Dear God the condition of my heart,the state of our lives, and the state of our nation, can cause me to despair, but then I remember your love mercy and grace which we all can recieve,in Jesus,

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