verse of the day

Monday 1 August 2011

He will not fail. [ Romans 4 v 16 - 21 ]

I must confess, I pray about things ,I make my requests known unto God , but then I worry about the very thing I have prayed about.Continually I hear God speaking two words to me, they are ,/ Trust Me/,I smile when I hear these words,I know I need to hear these words, that I simply need to trust Him. I know it may sound simple those words , but like all relationships .trust is vital, I have to trust my wife, she has to trust in me,so when it comes to our relationship with God, trust is vital.Whatever problem you are facing today,pray about it,and trust in God, He will not fail you.[ Dear God help me to trust You, knowing You are trully trustworthy, in Jesus name we ask this. Amen ]

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