verse of the day

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Resurrection. [ John 11 ]

Consider the situation the dear woman had lost her son,he had died [1 Kings 17], many people, mothers and fathers are grieving over the death of a child. So much effort by mankind is taken up to try to beat death, money is poured into these efforts,but the fact is we may beat cancer, but no one will beat death. I will die you will die,and yet in this story in 1 Kings 17, we have a hint of something wonderful, resurrection, Elijah prayed for this child,and he came to life again.Let us go forward to another scene of death, a man called Lazarus had died,he had been dead four days,but into that situation, comes Jesus, who declares,I am the resurrection and the life,he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Death as to this life is final ,but there is another time coming when the dead in Christ shall rise to enter into eternal glory. Because of Christ we who are Christians need not sorrow as those who have no hope[1 Thessalonians 4v13 ]. [Dear God we praise You that because of Jesus Your dear Son we have hope even when faced with death. Amen ]

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