verse of the day

Sunday 6 February 2011

Fortune cookies. [ Psalm 119 v9-16 ]

While visiting one of my sons, and his wife we went out for a meal in a Chinese restaurant, and at the end of the meal we recieved fortune cookies. These fortune cookies are a little like what one gets in a Christmas cracker, both are a bit of a joke. The fortune cookie usually says something like, /you are going to come into something that will make you very happy/. I wonder do we sometimes treat the Bible like a fortune cookie? which of course its not, for often what the Word of God tells us is very challenging.Read the prophets, the prophet Habakkuk, who was told of coming judgement,likewise Jeremiah,or Ezekiel, read the book of Revelation,with all its woes.No the Bible is not like a fortune cookie, it tells us ,often what we dont want to hear, yet what we need to hear. So today as you read the Bible, dont just see it as fortune cookie, but as a wonderful book,that needs to be listened to ,and obeyed.[ God we thank You for Your precious word, help us to read it regularly, and to not treat it as a fortune cookie in Jesus name Amen]

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