verse of the day

Thursday 17 February 2011

One. [ Matthew 28 v19 -20 ]

I was watching a football match on the TV ,and what left a lasting impression on me was the vast crowd of people watching the match. I thought how few there are who know Jesus as Saviour, mulitudes going to a lost eternity,and it saddened my heart, and then I thought of the many people I pray for, and how few there are who are saved. Jesus said many are called few are chosen [Matthew 20 v16 ], millions of people, have, and are being saved, and yet untold millions are not.What can one do?despair, no ,pray and keep on praying,witness,and keep on witnessing,God has not forsaken this world, He still loves the lost,and He would call us to be faithful.A story is told which bears repeating, of a beach that was littered with starfish, a little boy was throwing some back into the sea, and someone asked him ,what was the point of what he was doing ,there were so many?he held one in his hand, threw it into the sea,and replied, it will make a difference to that one. If by our witnessing one soul trusts Christ, it will make a tremendous difference to that one, in time ,and in eternity. [ Saviour ,lead me to some soul today, use me ,to be Your instrument to bring them to You Amen ]

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