verse of the day

Friday 28 May 2010

Lost.[ Luke 19v10]

I have an increasing burden, for the lost, who are the lost?, they are those who have never trusted Jesus to save them. Most people do not know that they are lost, they are ignorant to the fact that,they are sinners, and need a Saviour, but they are still lost. Why did Jesus come?, to seek and to save that which is lost, [Luke 19 v10 ] who is lost?, everyone, Isaiah 53v6,tells us,/All of us , like sheep, have strayed away . We have left Gods paths to follow our own./ When a person is lost, it has very serious consequences,which the many ignor,Hell is not a made up scare story, it is a reality,a reality that people discover to late,there is no escape from Hell, no early release,no time off for good behaviour, it is a permanent state,with no get out clauses. The Bibles warns us to flee from the wrath to come, where do we flee to? to Jesus, the only one who can save us from a fate worst than death. [ Dear God we thank you ,that You so loved this world that You give Your only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Amen ]

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