verse of the day

Sunday 21 March 2010

His touch. [ Luke 7 v11-16 ]

All I know is she was touched and given glorys extra weight- she sprang to life and I rose up to praise the God of mercy, so wrote Phil Comfort, his dear wife had recovered from a serious illness. Often we read in the gospels how Jesus touched people,and they were healed, the following words come to mind,Thy touch has still its ancient power,we look at situations, and we can despair,or we can in simple faith look to Him, whose touch can bring healing,and change. When He intervenes then there is hope that things not only can change ,but do change,the sinner can be set free,the sick of mind and body can be healed, the wayward child can be restored, the grieving one can experience comfort.[ Dear Lord we look to You in all our need,we ask for Your touch ,Amen ]

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