verse of the day

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Something greater [ Ephesians 2 v 8-9 ]

Grace ,as we look at certain people, we may despair,but then we are reminded of the Grace of God,and that by that Grace they can be changed, they can be saved,let us remind ourselves that we should never put limits on Gods Grace.No matter how far a person sinks, the Grace of God is able to save ,when they call on Christ, In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul reminds those he is writing to of their former state, he goes through a list of sinful practices,/sexual sins, idol worship, adultery, male prostitution,homosexuality, thieving, greediness, drunkenness, abusiveness,and cheating. As we read that list, we are reminded of the Grace of God, that is trully amazing, so today if you are lost in sin, there is hope for even you.As we look at humanity, mybe our workmates, neighours, friends, family, or whoever, dont despair, pray for them, that they may experience the Grace of God, let us remember that were sin abounds , the Grace of God is greater.[Father help us to never despair at mans lostness, rebelliousness, help to look beyond these things to You the God of all Grace, in Jesus name Amen ]

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