verse of the day

Sunday 7 June 2009

Be a finisher [2 Timothy 11 v 21- 33]

My young daughter in law has just finished university, a tremendous achievement. I remember when I was at Bible college, the principal said he would understand if I had to give up,my wife and I were living by faith, my wife was not to well, things were difficult, what he said was well intentioned, but we didnt give up , I completed my course, and then my wife went on to complete a course in another Bible college, I look back with gratitude that we both finished our training.Finishing is so important in life, especially the Christian life, in 2 Timothy 4 v 6-8, the apostle Paul wrote,/I have fought a good fight,I have finished the race,and I have remained faithful/. When you read the difficulties Paul had to face[ cp- 2 Corinthians 11v 21 -33 ], you could not have blamed him for giving up, but he didnt. There will always be reasons to give up or to give into sin, but there are greater more compelling reasons why we should not.Here are some, the love we have experienced in Jesus, His friendship, others,and lastly the prize, there are more,today, think on them , and seek by the grace of God to be a finisher.[ Father help us to be a finisher, help us not to give up ,or to give in, to anything or anyone thats stands between us and the finishing posts, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen ]

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