verse of the day

Thursday 4 June 2009

Amazing Grace.[ Ephesians 2 v 1-10 ]

If I was cast away on a desert island , and had the choice of ten records, my first choice would be Amazing Grace,I love this song. It is continually being recorded and just wont go away. It seems to me that God is continually reminding people of His grace, to save , to keep, and to complete His purpose in lives that are broken, and messed up. Recently I have been confronted with broken people , and of couse I work among broken people, the mentally ill, I just pray that they would experience the Grace of God in their lives,I know from experience that the Grace of God can change and transform them, when they open their lives and trust Jesus as Saviour. [Dear God we thank You for Your amazing grace that we can know through Your dear son Jesus, we thank You that lives can be wonderfully changed, and transformed through this grace Amen ]

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