verse of the day

Saturday 27 June 2009

Death [ John 11 v 25 ]

Death, now thats a bright thought to start the day with, mybe you feel like turning of this blog, as you dont fancy being reminded of death. Could be, you are grieving over the death of a loved one, or a friend, mybe you are facing death, because of an illness. The obvious fact is we will all be touched by death ,sooner or later we will loose someone close to us, and of course we will all die, science only helps us to delay the inevitable. We were never meant to die, but because of sin we all will, it can been seen as a natural act, but in other ways it is unnatural, thats why we try to avoid talking about it, and find it hard to come to terms with.In 1 Corinthians 15v 26, death is called an enemy, but in that chapter we are told of the resurrection, and how those who believe in Jesus, can know victory over death. I love those words in Psalm 23v4, which reads,Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, a shadow cannot hurt us , and if Christ is with us then we have nothing to fear.[Dear God calm our fears as regards death, we thank You that through Your Son Jesus, sin can be dealt with, and victory over death is assured, Amen ]

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