verse of the day

Monday 29 June 2009

Faith in God.[ Hebrews 11 v 1-6 ]

The philosopher Bertrand Russell who was also an atheist,was asked, what if he tuned out to be wrong, and what if the pearly gates were neither a metaphor nor a fantasy,and he found himself faced by a deity he had always denied? Well , Russell used to reply, I would go up to Him, and I would say, You didnt give us enough evidence. I believe God has given us enough evidence,creation, the Jews ,and the historical Christ,and yet I know these will not necessary convince people of the exsistence of God,it comes down to faith, one must have a tremendous lot of faith to be an athiest. Of course many people do believe in a God, but let us remember that faith in a god is not enough, we must believe in the God of the Bible,that triune God , Father , Son, and Holy Spirit, and if we are going to be saved we need to believe on Jesus to be our Saviour.[ Dear God we thank You for faith, a faith in You as creator ,and the One who saves through Your Son , Jesus, Amen ]

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