verse of the day

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Serving this generation [ Matthew 28 v 18-20 ]

Many Christians get caught in a time warp, a favourite saying is,/ we always did it that way/, many of us are resistent to moving on. There are churches who have introduced laws that forbid there members to use certain translations,and fail to live up to the translation they use. Stop and consider, the great spiritual needs out there, and let us ask ourselves how best can we serve this generation?, what will it take to bring men and women to Christ?.The days of Billy Graham are gone.It was Billy who said,/ The world is changing, and with it the methods of evangelism will change also. But the message will not change, for it is timeless, meant for every generation/.Meant for every generation, so let us ask ourselves, and let us ask God how best we can serve this generation, for the times they are a changing, and we must move with the times. [Father help us to hold fast to Your truth, yet help us and guide us by Your Spirit, as to how best we can serve this genereation, in Jesus name ]