verse of the day

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Wisdom.[ 2 Kings 3 v 5 - 10 ]

One of the things we all need is wisdom, life is full of so many pit falls, we have all made discisions ,and acted in ways which at times have been hurtful to ourselves and to others.The Little Sparrow sung a song, with those famous lines, /no regrets/, I wish I could say that, but I cant, I do have regrets, I could have acted more wisely at times. It is to the book of James we turn, and we have these words,/ If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.[1v 5 ]In Proverbs 3v6, we read,/ In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths/, so today before we make any decision, or open our mouths to speak,let us pray and ask God for wisdom.[ Our God and Father we thank You that You have promised to grant us the wisdom we need in life, if we but ask, so today we ask that You, in Your great mercy will grant us this wisdom, in Jesus name we pray this. Amen ]

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