verse of the day

Saturday 21 March 2009

Hold on [ Romans 8 v28 av ]

In Ephesians 3 v1 the apostle Paul wrote these significant words, /I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus/, at that time he was under arrest by the Roman authorites, my study bible says this,/Even though he was under arrest, Paul maintained his firm belief that God was in control of all that happened to him/. Today we may be tempted to despair of our circumstances, despair of those things that dont change, which we so desperaetly want to change, and nothing appears to be happening, we pray, and pray, and still no change. Well think of what Paul wrote, the prisoner of the the Lord Jesus, pray about it ,and let faith arise, and grasp and hold unto the truth, that you are not a victim, not forgotten , not insignificant, your times are in Gods hands, [Psalm 31 v15 av ], and that all things are working together for your good,[ Romans 8 v28 av ]. [Dear God there are things we struggle with, things we want to change, and nothing happens, help us to know Your peace, and help us to have faith in Your loving plan and purpose for our lives, we ask this in Jesus name Amen ]

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