verse of the day

Sunday 1 March 2009

The powers that be.[ Matthew 22 v15 - 22 ]

They are Gods servants, this is written about the powers that be ,or the governing authorities, [ Romans 13] as one considers this one may struggle,as we consider wicked goverments. If one believes that God is sovereign as I do ,then we have to believe that He in His wisdom has ordained the powers that be, even though they are wicked and oppressive. This is a complicated subject, all I can say is,God has not ordained them to be wicked or oppressive, that is their choice, and they will be held accountable.How should the Christian veiw his role in relation to the secular powers, well our Saviour said, / Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God/[Matthew 22v21 ]. As Christians we are meant to be law abiding, but no secular authority is to obeyed, when they go beyond their God given authority. Today let us pray for the many in this world who are being oppressed, by cruel and wicked authorities. [Dear God we pray for all those dear people who are living under oppession, have mercy upon them, especially your dear children, we ask this in Jesus name Amen ]

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