verse of the day

Monday 16 March 2009

Peter. [Mark 14 v 41 ff ]

Peter was very privlleged,as was James and John,cp Matthew 17, Jesus was giving them particular training, for future service. Peter was an obvious leader,he was a confident person, there is much to admire in him, but he had a weakness, in some ways he was a coward, and this is shown in a number of places,/ cp Galatians 2 v11-21, the apostle Paul calls him a hypocrite, because he was afraid of criticism from people who insisted on the necessity of being circumcised to be saved. The other place He showed his cowardice was when Jesus, was betrayed , and arrested,[ Mark 14v 41 ff ] as they were taking Jesus away we read that Peter followed at a distance, there are many Christians who are following Jesus at a distance, just like Peter. From walking at a distance , we next read, of Peter denying Jesus, not once but three times, and thats serious. Like Peter we all have weaknesses, and failings, let us not gloss over them, help us to learn from Peter, but let us not be like him. [ Dear Lord Jesus help us not to follow You at a distance, like Peter Your servant, we have our weaknesses just like him, keep us this day by Your grace, that we may not betray or deney You ,in word , deed ,or thought, Amen ]

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