verse of the day

Thursday 14 August 2008

Justice/ Mercy. [ Ephesians 2 v1-8 ]

In the Genesis 18 v25 Abraham asks God the question, Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right ?, you see God was about to Judge , Sodom and Gomorrah, Abrahams nephew Lot a righteous man, lived there. So Abraham prayed to God who is just but is also merciful, Abraham wanted mercy to be shown to Lot. God did spare Lot and his daughters, God so often grants unto us more than we ask, the account in Genesis emphasizes two very important truths , Gods justice, and His mercy. Irrespective of what people think , there is a day of judgement day coming, in which He will judge the world, we take something to our graves , our sin, and for that sin we will be judged. As sure as God is just, so He is also merciful , He has provided a way in which His justice is satisfied, and at the same time He can show mercy , the Cross were His son died is that way,on that cross, the wrath of God that was my due upon the Lamb was laid, but we must seek that mercy, by repenting of our sin and trusting Jesus as our Saviour. [ Merciful God we thank You that in your love, you have provided a way of salvation, in your Son Jesus, Amen ]

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