verse of the day

Saturday 2 August 2008

Foolishness [Matthew 6 v25 -34 ]

I know I shouldnt do it, but I do, I worry , not all the time,but I still fall into the trap of worrying, one may say its only human, it cant be helped. A memory of the past comes to mind, an old lady,called Mrs Porter,she liked to drink, and when she had a few, she used to sing a song that remains in my memory, Why worry, why worry,worry gets you no where at all, and you know it is true.Just during the week I was travelling to a certain place , on the M25, and I missed my turning, was I worried, you bet I was, I really cried out to God, and you know what happened I got to my destination, and as I was coming back home I noticed the road I should have travelled on was choker block, God had overruled, oh the foolishness, and folly of worry. [Dear Loving Heavenly Father ,we ask for your forgiveness, for our lack of trust in You , to care for us, in Jesus name we ask this. Amen .]

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