verse of the day

Thursday 21 August 2008

Amazing love.[ Romans 5 v6-11 ]

I found myself singing the words of a hymn , which goes, / loved with everlasting love/ , these words come from the book of Jeremiah,they are so meaningful, spoken by God through the prophet, to Israel at a time of spiritual backsliding.The nation had forsaken God,and yet God tells them that He loves them ,with an everlasting love.They were still loved inspite of their failures, inspite of there backsliding, the fact is ,no one merits the love of God, if we could, there would have been no need of Calvary. Today let us remember that God loves His children ,[ are you His child? read John 1v12], with an everlasting love, a love that is , unmerited, undeserved, and unconditional. [Father God your love is amazing ,it trully is,we praise You , and thank You for such love, we thank You in name of Jesus ,Amen ]

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