verse of the day

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Its hopeless [ Romans 4 v18-22 ]

Abraham had been told that he was going to be a father of a special child by God, but it had not happened ,so his wife suggested a solution, it was not Gods solution. Time went on , and they both were old, I mean really old, they were both on their way to recieveing a message from the queen[ if they had lived now ], and God spoke again, telling them they were going to have a child, the following year, and Sarah , Abrahams wife laughed, to her it was hopeless, but it happened. There are many situations in life that appear hopeless, but if God gives a promise, telling you that He will work things out ,it will happen. [Father there are so many hopeless situations in life,there are people whose lives are hopeless, in faith we look to You the God of the impossible , to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or even think, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen. ]

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