verse of the day

Monday 17 July 2023

Napoleon ( Titus 3 v 3 - 7 )

 Napoleon said the following,' Everything in Christ astonishes me. His Spirit overawes me, and His will  confounds me. Between  Him  and whoever else in the world, there is no possible term of comparison. He is truly a being by Himself... I search in van in history to find the similar to Jesus Christ, or anything which can approach the gospel . Neither history , nor humanity, nor the ages,nor nature,offer me anything with which I am able to compare it or explain it. Here everything is extraordinary.' What a wonderful statement,but ah there's that but,did he know Christ as his Saviour?, I hope he did,you see its possible to think well of Christ and to not know Him as ones Saviour. Gandhi admired Christ and was influenced by His teaching, especially the sermon on the mount,but that's as far as it went.Islam have a Christ whom they admire but it is a Christ minus the cross.Yes to admire Christ is not enough, one must know Him as their personal Saviour, He did not come to set up a fan club , He came to die on the cross to seek and to save sinners.

                                                     'Do you know Him as your Saviour?

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