verse of the day

Sunday 23 July 2023

Holy ground. ( Isaiah 53)

A well known American actor,who served his country in the second world war,would speak at events for war veterans.He was at the D Day landing,were many of his colleagues and friends died. In going over these things he spoke of ,'The holy ground of our memories', of the many who who had died,and  who had shed their blood,to defeat a very wicked enemy.I never served in combat ,but I like all Christians have a holy ground within my memory,it is not about battle field as such, its an old rugged cross,on which a mangled body hangs,it is our beloved Saviour, Jesus. Those who put Him on that cross mocked Him, to them He was an imposter, one whom they hated,because He challenged their heartless ,oppressive religiosity.But scripture  tells us clearly who He was ,our Messiah, our Saviour ,who willingly laid down His life as a sacrifice for our sins, Calvary  will always be ,'The holy ground of our memories'.

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