verse of the day

Tuesday 28 February 2023

My idol. ( Exodus 20 v 3 - 5 )

We often people saying so and so is my idol,especially in relation to sport or film stars,I remember visiting a home years ago ,and as I walked though the door,I was confronted with with a large cardboard cut out of John Wayne. Now I don't know if the person saw John Wayne  as his idol,but it looked that way to me ,idolatry is still rife in this modern age. It does not take the shape of a wooden or stone idol,but it is real never the less.Whatever form it comes in it is wrong, for in essence,there is only one God Isaiah 44 v 6,which reads ,'I am the first and the last; apart from me there is no God'.Isaiah in that same chapter points out the worthlessness of idols. Barry Webb writes the following,'Idolatry is the worst sin of all,because it moves God to the periphery of our lives and puts something else in His place'.He also says,'The modern world is no less given over to idolatry than the ancient one,it is just that its cruder forms were more prevalent then'.Think all those things that can become a source of worship, sex,money,pleasure,power ,and a multitude of other things. Christians can be sucked into idolatry consider the wisest king who ever lived became an idolator ,and in doing that he was disobeying God, and his influence,would have caused many to follow in his footsteps.His actions brought judgement upon the nation he ruled.if people throw of the worship of God Jehovah, they will  soon turn to those things that are not gods,in fact they are demonic. It was William Cowper who wrote the following,
                                                       'The dearest idol I have known,
                                                        What'er that idol be,
                                                         Help me to tear it from Thy throne
                                                         And worship only Thee.'

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