verse of the day

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Sexual morality ( Romans 3 v 23 )

 In raising the subject of homosexuality , I hope I have not come across in a wrong unloving way,one of  my purpose in writing what I have, is to clarify how God's word makes it clear ,that it is sinful, and like all sin it comes under the judgement of God. God will judge all sin one day,you may not be a homosexual but you are a sinner needing to be saved from coming wrath.God is a forgiving God but those who choose to ignore His offer of forgiveness will suffer  terrible consequences,not only  homosexuals will be shut out of God's eternal kingdom, all will be, unless they repent of their sins. I am reminded of the account of the lady who caught in the very act adultery,she was brought to Jesus by the religious leaders,they said she should be stoned,but declared ,he that is without sin cast the first stone. The result was the all were convicted of their  sin, and left,Jesus did not condemn her to death, but he did not ignore  her sin,and told her to leave her life of sin. ( John 8 v 1 -11).Jesus says to all ,leave your sinful   ways and come to me and have your sins forgiven. One writer wrote the following, 'Here we are faced to face with the eternal situation of the gospel,the eternal choice. Jesus confronted that women with a choice that day, she could go back to her old ways or she could reach out to the new way with Him'.

                                                    'What will you choose?'.

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