verse of the day

Friday 3 February 2023

Judging others. ( Matthew 7 v 1- 5)

 In Matthew 7 v 1 ,we read'Do not judge,or you will be judged'.I heard something recently I want to share  with you. A man took his wife shopping,she was disabled,and if you are disabled you receive a disabled card which you display on your dashboard of your car,that enables you to park in the allotted spaces provided for those who are disabled. This the man did ,and he and his wife went to do their shopping. He left his wife in the store to take something back to his car,and then he would return to his wife.When he got to his car a man confronted him as to why he had parked  in a disabled bay ,when he wasn't  disabled.The man struck him knocking him to the ground,the result was the man died, such a tragedy,that man made a wrong judgement,and it led to a very wrong action causing the death of a poor man. Our Saviour said we are not to judge,for often our judgements our flawed,and ill conceived.Often our judgements are made from a self -righteous attitude. Michael Green wrote the following,' All to often what  we condemn in others are the weaknesses we dare not face up in ourselves'

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