verse of the day

Monday 29 November 2021

The sea is not always calm. ( 2 Thessalonians 2 v 16 - 17 )

I remember many years ago, my family and I were on holiday in a town called Bangor in Ulster,it is a seaside town.One could hire a rowing boat to go out on the bay,so we did that,the sea was very calm, we were not to far from the shore. Then from the shore along the seafront we heard the sound of bagpipes,I stopped rowing and we sat and listened , they were playing amazing grace. As we sat there listening in the calmness it touched my heart, but as I reflect on it now,I am reminded that the sea of life is not always calm,far from it,but praise God,His amazing grace never changes,never, and we are told its always sufficient,and more than enough to meet our needs whatever trials we are going through. The writer calls it amazing grace, and rightly so,as I think of how many, many,dear Christians are enduring so much, how do they cope?,grace, as I read of the apostle Paul,and his suffering CP 2 Corinthians 11 v 23 - 28/ 12 v 7 - 10, how did he cope?,grace,that wonderful grace of God.Not only not did he cope, he glorified God,which is our chief end in life,Life being what it is,uncertain, we being what we are ,weak ,vulnerable,fragile, and a target for the ungodly ,and their master Satan,what do we need ?, grace. The grace of God will not dry up,and God will not withhold it from us,we are told ,He giveth more grace ,as the hymn writer wrote, as the burdens increase,He giveth, He giveth, and giveth again.

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