verse of the day

Monday, 1 February 2021

Truth ( John 14 v 6 )

 There is a saying  which goes,' It is the gospel truth', someone uses this ,when they are stressing that what they  are saying is absolutely true. Truth is so important ,we do not appreciate when our children lie to us ,or when  anyone lies to us. The government  of  Turkmenistan in central Asia have declared that there is no  Covid-19  in their country, and that there is no poverty also. Both these statements are not true they are lies, put out by a repressive state, all repressive states survive by lying. and there are many. be they religious or political. Most of them are ruled by fear, and most  of  them  are afraid of  truth, especially the truth of the gospel. The truth of the gospel challenges their darkness, they cannot stand that, and so injustice reigns. The gospel truth is very good news, it is important to stress that it is based on historical fact, fact one ,Christ came, fact two ,Christ died, fact three, Christ rose from the dead.  Yes Christ came as was foretold in the Old Testament. what God's word promised, came to pass. Next Christ died that's a fact, those who lived with Christ saw it happening ,and so they recorded what happened. To them it appeared a disaster, the end of their dream, some even give up believing. Which leads us unto Christs resurrection,  his resurrection changed everything ,everything fell into place. From that moment on they went out into all the world to proclaim the truth of the gospel, to a world that was lost'

                                              Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,

                                              Jesus ,I come! Jesus, I come!

                                               Into Thy freedom, gladness and light,

                                               Jesus, I come to Thee.  ( Words . William. T. Sleeper)

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