verse of the day

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Horrible ( Galatians 5 v 13 - 16 )

 My favourite football team ,beat a weakened team 9 nil , it was what was said by a commentator after the football match, that I took exception to ,he said sometimes you have to be horrible. To be beaten 9 nil is a very humiliating experience  for any team, and yet we know that professional sport is about winning.  As a supporter I want my team to win every match, when they get beat , I am not happy, but I do not thing any team, or any sports person should be horrible to their opponents. I do not think my team were seeking to be horrible to their opponents, they were just trying to win a match, and of course goal difference can be important. I am reminded of a friend  when  he was young ,was playing football, there came a moment when he had the ball at his feet, with just the goal keeper to beat, instead of  scoring he picked up the ball and give it to the keeper. My friend is a very kind person, I suppose he felt that he was being kind, I am not sure what his team mates thought of him, I am sure their thoughts were far from being kind. Sad to say that sometime as Christians, we can say things and do things to  people that can be described as horrible.. It seems at times we forget that we are called to love our enemies (Luke 6 v 27) and to love our fellow Christians ( John 13 v 34 ). Let us pick up the ball and give it to the goal keeper.

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