verse of the day

Saturday, 6 February 2021

So simple ( 1 ) ( John 3 v 16 )

 God promised Abraham that he would have a son (Genesis 15 v 4,) and that through his offspring all the earth would be blessed. (Gen 22 v 18). Abraham believed ,and God credited  to him as righteousness, This great statement, is the  foundation of how we get right with God, 'Faith', but not just  faith, but faith in Jesus. He is the object of our faith . faith in Him and his finished work on Calvary. That is were it starts and finishes, for only the work of Christ, and that alone saves. This rules out good works, religious activities, or any thing else you can name.  The scripture tells of a man who cried out, ''what must I do to be saved ?'', the reply came back, ''Believe in the Lord Jesus , and you will be saved'', and he did just that, ( Acts 16 v 30 - 31 ). It is not complicated , a child can do it, you can do it ,anyone can do it, just simply trust Jesus as your Saviour. Then you may never fear  death, for Jesus said, ''I give unto my sheep eternal life and they shall never perish'' ( John 10 v 28 ).

                                                    Jesus, I will trust Thee,

                                                    Trust Thee with my soul,

                                                    Guilty, lost, and helpless,

                                                    Thou canst  make me whole;

                                                    There is none in heaven

                                                     Or on earth like Thee;

                                                     Thou hast died for sinners,

                                                     Therefore , Lord, for me.  ( Words M. J. Walker )


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