verse of the day

Sunday 5 July 2015

All I have to do is follow. [ Psalm 23 ]

In Deuteronomy 32 v 12 we read ,/The Lord alone led them/,the old hymn
reads,/All the way my Saviour leads me,/it is important to grasp this reality.
As I consider my life I can see so clearly God leading me,not always at the time,but in retrospect,we can say an amen to those words,that God alone led them. Again the words of a hymn come to mind,My Lord knows the way through the wilderness,all I have to do is follow.All I have to do is follow
they are challenging words,for so often like Israel through out their entire history, we find it so difficult  to follow. There are different reasons we
think we know best,but we don't,we lack faith ,forgetting that the Christian
life is a life of faith.We are just downright disobedient at times,and so God
has to discipline us,to bring us back into line. We learn many things when the Lord leads ,the importance of trust,in God our Father, who will always
lead us aright.Yes all I have to do is follow,consider the alternative,it bears not thinking about,consider the difficulties Israel got into ,by rejecting Gods.It will be the same for all of us,but it does not have to be,grant that it wont be.
                                              A  prayer.
 Dear God we thank You, that You have  promised to lead us all our lives
grant that we will rejoice in the knowledge that all we have to do is follow
grant us grace to do just that,in Jesus name Amen .

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